Orthopedic EHR and Practice Management News and Resources

Phoenix Ortho is dedicated to providing a variety of informative news, tips, and other articles to help orthopedic surgeons and administrators alike.

The rise of virtual medicine has been a long time coming for the healthcare industry as a whole. Even before the global ...
Telemedicine and telehealth are terms that often get used interchangeably. However, while both terms are similar and involve ...

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In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, many healthcare providers (including orthopedic practices) turned to the use of virtual ...
As technology changes, so do the ways that orthopedic practices operate. In recent years, orthopedic physicians and clinic ...
Orthopedic clinics have to keep track of many different rules and regulations. One such rule is the Global Period for post-op ...
Leaders in both the healthcare industry and the government have endorsed the use of telehealth technology as a crucial tool ...
The Phoenix Ortho team is proud to announce that we’ve launched a new telemedicine solution called Phoenix InTeleMed. It is ...