Orthopedic EHR and Practice Management News and Resources

Phoenix Ortho is dedicated to providing a variety of informative news, tips, and other articles to help orthopedic surgeons and administrators alike.

In today's fast-paced world, the success of any business, including medical practices, hinges on one crucial factor – ...
Nurses recording data with tablets or laptops instead of a pen and paper is an increasingly common sight. In the healthcare ...

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If you’re using a technology system that’s more than a decade old, it’s probably time to reassess your options and decide what ...
Clinics are at an extremely high risk of being targeted by hackers. Why? One reason is because of how valuable personal health ...
Every orthopedic clinic is as much a business as it is a place for orthopedic surgeons and their assistants to provide care ...
The terms electronic health record (EHR) and electronic medical record (EMR) are used almost interchangeably by some medical ...
In orthopedic practice management, the terms patient engagement and patient satisfaction are sometimes used interchangeably. ...
Software has become an inseparable part of modern orthopedic practice. To help streamline traditional clinical workflows, ...