Orthopedic EHR and Practice Management News and Resources

Phoenix Ortho is dedicated to providing a variety of informative news, tips, and other articles to help orthopedic surgeons and administrators alike.

Orthopedic Tips
Orthopedic clinics help a lot of people on a daily basis. In fact, orthopedic physicians often report seeing more than 50 ...
Patient check in is one of the most important processes in any clinic’s workflow. However, many orthopedic clinics struggle to ...

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Practice Management
Managing an orthopedic practice isn’t always easy. There are countless rules to keep in mind, tons of patients to process ...
Orthopaedic EHR
Orthopedic clinics often use a wide variety of software in their day-to-day operations. From patient check-in solutions to ...
Telemedicine and telehealth are terms that often get used interchangeably. However, while both terms are similar and involve ...
Patient data is a very important subject for any kind of medical practice—and orthopedic clinics are no exception. Having the ...
To All Customers: Phoenix Ortho Version 5.00.053 is now released. For a detailed list of enhancements and fixes in this ...
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, many healthcare providers (including orthopedic practices) turned to the use of virtual ...