Orthopedic EHR and Practice Management News and Resources

Phoenix Ortho is dedicated to providing a variety of informative news, tips, and other articles to help orthopedic surgeons and administrators alike.

Patient data security is a crucial part of any healthcare practice. Orthopedic clinics, like any business, have to be very ...
Many doctors, regardless of specialization, entered the healthcare field to help people. However, an important part of any ...

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Practice Management
After hitting a peak in early April, it had looked like the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak would die down thanks to measures ...
Orthopedic clinics have to keep track of many different rules and regulations. One such rule is the Global Period for post-op ...
Leaders in both the healthcare industry and the government have endorsed the use of telehealth technology as a crucial tool ...
The Phoenix Ortho team is proud to announce that we’ve launched a new telemedicine solution called Phoenix InTeleMed. It is ...
knowledge base
Dealing with Workers’ Compensation (WC) cases as an orthopedist can be a major challenge. Because orthopedists are considered ...
Orthopaedic EHR
EHR implementation is fairly important for orthopaedic practices throughout the country. Without a successful EHR ...