Orthopedic EHR and Practice Management News and Resources

Phoenix Ortho is dedicated to providing a variety of informative news, tips, and other articles to help orthopedic surgeons and administrators alike.

For most clinics, payment collection is a critical issue. If the payment collection process takes too long or is too complex, ...
Here’s an all-too-common scenario for doctors in an orthopaedic practice: It’s 8:00 pm on Friday night, and you’re stuck in ...

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Physician stress and burnout is a critical issue for many orthopaedic clinics. In fact, according to a study featured in the ...
Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Electronic Medical Record (EMR) software are supposed to make managing patient data faster, ...
In the operating room, doctors need to have accurate and reliable patient data if they are going to provide optimal care. For ...
It is a well-known stereotype that many doctors—especially older ones who were trained in traditional record-keeping and ...
Payment collection is a key issue for any healthcare facility. However, a major part of effectively collecting payment for ...
For a busy orthopaedic doctor, there never seems to be enough time in the day to do everything they need to do. A busy general ...