The Louisiana Orthopaedic Association (LOA) 2019 Annual Meeting has concluded. As the only Electronic Health Record (EHR) solution provider to attend this orthopaedic conference, Phoenix Ortho is in a unique position to recap the events of the LOA 2019 Annual Meeting.
While interacting with the orthopaedic surgeons, office managers, and other clinic personnel at the LOA 2019 Annual Meeting, the Phoenix Ortho team noticed a major trend in what these people were looking for: Integration and consolidation of technology.
Many of the clinical staff and surgeons that the Phoenix Ortho team talked to were very concerned with having integrated software and technology platforms for running their orthopaedic clinics with as few software vendors as possible. One common problem that many conference attendees brought up was the issue of finger-pointing between vendors when an interface failed. Third party interfaces are not only cumbersome and problematic, they add additional and unnecessary costs to the clinic.
However, the orthopaedic clinic’s management didn’t care who was at fault—they just wanted their software to work so they could keep their clinic running! Integrated solutions that combine PACS, EHR, PM, and patient check-in under a single vendor help to eliminate wasteful finger-pointing and promote full functionality—saving time and headaches for orthopaedic practitioners.
This is what attracted many of the event’s attendees to Phoenix Ortho. We offer an integrated solution for patient check-in, image management, patient charting, and medical billing that would allow these orthopaedic specialists to simplify the management of their clinic so they could spend more time helping patients and less time trying to figure out how to get different software programs to talk to one another.
On a side note, the very first lecture at the LOA 2019 Annual Meeting was a keynote titled “New Technology: Can We Afford It?” In the lecture, presenters discussed the cost of integrating new technology solutions into an orthopaedic practice and how such costs might be justified. This just goes to show how important technology has become to orthopaedic clinics.
on sharing our orthopaedic-specific EHR solution with the physicians attending the conference — showing them how it helps orthopaedic practices save time and money so they can help more people.
Some key features of the orthopaedic EHR software that the Phoenix Ortho team presented at LOA 2019 included:
Did you miss us at LOA 2019? Don’t worry. You can always reach out to the Phoenix Ortho team to learn more about how you can save time, money, and headaches using our orthopaedic-specific EHR platform. We look forward to seeing you at our next major conference appearance—which will be hosted by the American Association of Orthopaedic Executives (AAOE).